Hmmmm…it must be that kind of year. My mother’s tree is still up. She’s the one who decorates about a week before and is taking it down as we open gifts…strange.
When we “take ours down” it goes outside and we put birdseed decorations on it. It’s fun to watch and learn about the birds and squirrels… and raccoons. The cats enjoy it too.
All those sweet little origami boxes! How lovely. But yes, it’s time to take down the tree- especially if it once lived.
Switch the ornaments to red and call it a Valentine bush, I say.
Cute boxes. Our tree is down and everything is packed up. Maybe this weekend, we’ll put the boxes in storage again.
Hmmmm…it must be that kind of year. My mother’s tree is still up. She’s the one who decorates about a week before and is taking it down as we open gifts…strange.
But it’s still green!
When we “take ours down” it goes outside and we put birdseed decorations on it. It’s fun to watch and learn about the birds and squirrels… and raccoons. The cats enjoy it too.