There’s a freak-out brewing at my house. At my house.
So, new couches arrived yesterday. Yes, our oldy-mouldy basement couch is still propped up, all cattywompus on the porch. I should have taken a photo of it instead of this new obsession of mine: the candle makes me happy, the couch makes me laugh. I keep trying to convince IZ that I’m Southern enough to have a couch on my porch, who cares a Foxtrot what the neighbors think. He keeps looking at me, with that look of his, and then he affects the “therapist talking a person off the ledge as seen on CSI NY” tone of voice with me, “Uh. . . no.”
Apparently, he cares what the neighbors think of him. I already know what they think of me, and let me tell you: a couch on my LAWN would be fitting. Ahem. So, if the couch is still flashing its underbelly at the neighborhood by tomorrow afternoon, I’m going to arrange it artistically on the porch and then glare when IZ suggests we move it.
Seriously, you shouldn’t judge a girl by her silver ballet flats and Bombalicious lip gloss—just because she knows how to accessorize doesn’t mean she can’t enjoy a little trash decor now and again. Oh boy, I really shouldn’t listen to Social Distortion and blog at the same time.
So, yep… new couches. It wasn’t what we’d planned to buy this summer—but what can you do? We did some quick shopping for what we could afford at the moment and we settled on a couple of couches that will transition into the basement/entertainment center eventually. We went with leather, because IZ likes it and why not buy something that will work downstairs later? Seemed like a good solution. Sometimes, you have to be practical and well, this buys me more time to wear IZ down on the concept of chintz. Every time I suggest big cabbage roses in balmy tones of aqua and beige he looks at me with that look of his, and then he affects the “therapist talking a person off the ledge as seen on CSI NY” tone of voice with me, “Uh. . . no.”
But I am not so easily deterred. And believe you me, I have my ways of making him talk chintz.
The new couches mean a change in our siting regime. Animals are no longer permitted to sit on the couches. They are very MUCH not allowed to pee on th em! Snickers is not adjusting to this as easily as Miss Sophie; but then, my dog is superior to his cat. We’ve established this. To prevent any more expensive accidents, Snickers is spending her evenings sequestered in the gym. She isn’t complaining and I’m not worrying and that’s going to be the way it is for evah!
I’m liking this no animals on the furniture rule. However, I’m making an exception to the sitting rule for the boy because he makes me laugh when he says things like this:
Me: (rocking out to AudioSlave on radioio) You know, it’s pretty sad when your mom who is nearly 40 is hipper than you are.
Boy Wonder: You’re not hip. You’re hippy.
Ha ha ha… he can stay. Ahem, but if he pees on the couch there’s going to be a freak-out at my house.
I’m laughing at this post! I love the new couches- very warm and way cool at the same time. I love porch furniture. Maybe I’m part native american- I would move half my belongings out into the yard if the weather would cooperate. And get a big oil drum for fires.
And I really love the notion that Snickers is stuck away in the gym, plotting her next move…
I think you should buy a house on MY street. 😀 I’ll help you dig a pit for your fire in the front yard. 😀 ~W
Nice couches. Nice lipgloss! Funny kid. Yea, you should keep him!
The kid cracks me up. I’m sure his sense of humor would get him in trouble with other people, but it makes me laugh so hard. He’s not mean, he delivers with such joy you can’t help but giggle. ~W
Oh, I love the couches. Leather is like cash – it goes with everything 🙂
I kind of feel sorry for the cat. Is that bad?
Uh, YEAH! Let’s examine the evidence, shall we:
1. Killed nice sectional couch.
2. Killed nice rug.
3. Killed old stinky beat up futon, but was where Wende was sitting while waiting for new couches.
4. Toxified my house
5. And Sophie says, “She annoys me by trying to sleep on my favorite cushion WHILE I’M ON IT.”
NO, not going to feel sorry for her. Nope, nope. I will say this… she doesn’t mind the new evening digs one bit. She’s happy down there. Because before all this, she wasn’t allowed in the basement, so she thinks she’s getting something special. But the new couches and not being able to perch on them has thrown her a bit. ~W
Keep the kid. And the lip gloss. AND the couches… nice, clean lines- LOVE ’em!
The kid kills me, slays me! I don’t write out all the things he says, because I worry that people will get sick of me… but darn, he makes me laugh like that at least once a day. 😀 ~W
Love Daft Punk…the first time I bought a CD, their picture made them look too young to even be able to get into the clubs they were being spun at…and go Social D (saw them in concert a couple of time…with Bjork when she was with The Sugarcubes!) …or am I just dating myself? Kindly remind BW if you were hippy it would be more Janis and Jimmie (giggle)
OH…I love the new couches too!
Yeah, I don’t think he meant “hippy” as much as “curvy”. Ha ha haha. Which, when you consider it, is a VERY good pun. 😀 ~W
An artistic display of your couch on your porch would be Foxtrotting awesome! Seriously. Do that.
The room looks great, and I absolutely adore BW (more so now that I’ve had the pleasure of experiencing his charisma).
Also, I’m with Cap… just a teeny bit sorry for the cat 🙂
He’s funny… he likes you too! He’s very excited that you’re in his life. ~W
There is a nice, warm glow over here, as expected.
I played Still D.R.E.
In yoga class today.
That almost makes me want to do Yoga. Almost.
But not quite. 😀 ~W
Ooooh the living room is lovely. I adore dark brown leather. Also, what is the tall framed print on the right hand side? May I see a closer-up picture, please?
Oh! I tried to get a photo of it, but the light is so bad right now it doesn’t come out any better than what I have up. For now, it’s a Japanese screen that has four hand-painting depicting the seasons. It’s vintage and was in pretty bad shape on the back when we got it. At first we thought we would just salvage the images and frame them, but it’s been propped behind the “shrine” for ages and we’ve done nothing with it. Heh. 😀 ~W
I Know Daft Punk, but only because I’m a high school teacher and they are French. I love the couches and YAY for the rules. We are pretty strict with our cat because she is SNEAKY!
Yeah I’m liking the no animal rule VERY much. And leather is a breeze to keep clean. WOOHOO for that. 😀
I love the couches. I’m very jealous! 🙂 We threw out our 10-y-o couch with the move so I’m looking forward to the day we can be something better.
And hippy? Sheesh!!! BW is funny
He is funny. He’s since clarified his statement: he did mean “hippy” not “curvy”. 😀 ~W
As the Queen of Stagnation and Procrastination, I’m happy to see that some things haven’t changed. But it’s time for you to update.
Well, I’d ask who made you boss of me, but since I’ve already complied that’s kinda moot, eh? 😀 ~W
Those are nice. You are wise to not let the animals on them! I’m picturing claw marks on the leather…
Oooo… leather. Yummy. It’s good to have a nice place to sit and contemplate how much this Pacific NW weather is sucking right now.
I know. This has to stop soon!