If that’s the plug for your Christmas lights, I’m seriously going to scream. Seriously. You’ll hear it 🙂
____________________________________ Breathe! Never fear, those are Halloween lights. Remember last year how Fred Meyer was sold out of Halloween lights so I bought Christmas strands and replaced the white bulbs with purple ones? Turns out the fuse had blown and all I really needed to do was replace the fuse. A back-up fuse is included in the plug, I just didn’t notice that little feature last year. Ahem. 😀 ~W
OK–tell me what it is. I know I’m going to feel stupid.
It’s the plug to the lights on my porch. ~W
I’m curious, too! Love the quote, anyway, though.
~Angela 🙂
It’s the plug to the lights on my porch! ~W
If that’s the plug for your Christmas lights, I’m seriously going to scream. Seriously. You’ll hear it 🙂
Breathe! Never fear, those are Halloween lights. Remember last year how Fred Meyer was sold out of Halloween lights so I bought Christmas strands and replaced the white bulbs with purple ones? Turns out the fuse had blown and all I really needed to do was replace the fuse. A back-up fuse is included in the plug, I just didn’t notice that little feature last year. Ahem. 😀 ~W
The answer is, “The Japanese revenge”?
You know, even if you can get that darn door open, you STILL have to figure out which fuse is blown.
You light up my life.
The blown fuse is the one in the metal casing. The extra fuse won’t have a connection point. 😀 ~W
Ha! Vicki is funny.
I love these enigmatic Sunday Sermons.
Indeed she is. 😀 ~W
mmmm….Christmas is a’comin’….
In this case, Halloween. 😀 ~W
I love your Etsy shop! Wonderful!
Thank you, Chelsey. I really appreciate the kind words. ~W