Look who was hiding beneath all that hair.
I meant to take a “before” photo… but you can kinda get the feeling for just how long his hair was in the photo on the post below.
After his cut, I said, “Wow… I can finally see your face!”
His response, “Wow! I can finally SEE!”
Don’t tell him I said this, but he’s still young enough to be cute. Soon enough, he will be handsome. I love that whimsical smile.
He’s always had one of those faces. ~W
look who got his hair back 🙂
The kid hugged me on the way of out of the salon. He was so happy to have his hair back. 😀 ~W
It looks very nice! Cute smile.
He was such a pill… he kept trying to cross his eyes for the photos. 😀 ~W
And with one last snip of the scissors, he morphed into a sample of the prince he will become. Stunning.
Nice to see his face again! ~W
He is, as always…a joyful person to look upon. That smile is just infectious!
He’s such a goofball! He really was trying to muck up the photo! ~W
And the little smattering of freckles…
He’s a dreamboat.
Thank you. I think I’ll go lock him in his room now. I wish, eh? 😀 ~W