Boy Wonder was asked by his father, the Science teacher, to write out everything he wanted to learn this year. He compiled the following list:
- Wood chop
- electolrolisis (I do not mean electronics)
- chemistry
- lego robotics
- workout
- compute science
- java script
- lua script
- boo script
- apple script
- automator
- 3d modle desing
- electronics
- quantum mechanics
- algibra 1
- mechanics
- encryption
- more code
- bot desing
Tomorrow his mother, the Language Arts teacher, will be adding SPELLING to that list and fire proofing her home.
*sigh* – spelling is an ongoing battle, isn’t it? Well – at least his penmanship has improved from last year to this year!
In truth, it’s the third item down that has me worried. ~W
Yes, listed under the category of “things that make you go boom”…
Some day I fully expect the Department of Defense to come knocking at our door because they’ve picked up unusual energy readings emanating from our house…
NO COMBUSTIBLES. That goes for you too. ~W
Chemistry requires a Bunsen burner…
Hold me close, tiny dancer. ~W
Pop culture – nice. That’s on our list of things to cover for ME this year… *sigh*
Yeah. Good luck with that! ~W
HA! I mentally added “spelling” before I made it down the whole list. And I sympathize because I am not a very good speller either.
Yeah, it’s not my strong suite either. Sadly. ~W
i find it hilarious that he misspelled the “easy” things, but yet he spelled freaking QUANTUM MECHANICS and encryption correctly! 😛 that’s a handful of a boy, you’ve got there 🙂
what’s wood chop, though? like, how to cut down a tree? i’m a bit lost on that one.
Wood Shop. Which is just a play for POWER TOOLS. ~W
Oh spelling…my arch nemisis…I mean, nemesis! I always seem to spell the same words wrong over and over…I wonder if I can get my Mac to shock me when that happens? Kind of a horrible Pavlov thing? Oh…maybe I should make it shoot some sort of lovely candy at me if I get the words right instead! Wait…I always think I spell them right and then I don’t…
You should invent the candy computer, Sadira. 😀 ~W
It is obvious where his passions lie, and that is wonderful for a kid his age. My older daughter has found her passion, but it doesn’t necessarily lead to enough money to support herself. YOunger daughter is still searching.
Well, sometimes we take jobs to support our passions. 😀 True of many of us, I fear. ~W
He’s gonna be very busy for the first couple weeks of school, I think. And then what?
Cold fusion. ~W
to me it looks like he got excited about his list and let the spelling slide a trifle. I bet if he had to proof read his list he’d be fine.. The fireproofing does sound like a a sound idea, however.
good luck! learn lots!
Ahh… very good point. I like you’re attitude. I should be more open to his potential. I’m going to work on that! ~W
I think G can spell. I just don’t think it is his, um, priority. He’ll get there…
The real question is, will we survive the process. 😀 ~W
I’m roughly 1500 miles away. I hope that’s a safe distance 😀
I think anything east of Denver should be safe. Pity Washington, though. 😀 ~W
Geraniums are red;
Delphiniums are blue.
When I ponder mad scientists,
I’ll think of you.
Happy homeschooling!
And also to you!! 😀 Heh, it’s like Passing the Peace. Or, do you Lutherans do that? 😀 ~W