My spidey-sense tells me that the next American Idol’s first name is David. His last name is still a bit of a blur.
My spidey-sense tells me that a certain dread-locked contestant has been inhaling. Just sayin’.
My spidey-sense also tells me that the remaining female contestant has a man named Tony in her future.
My spidey-sense is on FIRE!
Your spidey-sense really *is* on fire. My spidey-sense says you weren’t really in the mood to blog today… 😉 Still, I love this post. Lighthearted and right on the money.
Your spidey-sense sounds suspiciously like me standing in your office telling you I wasn’t in the mood to blog today. ~W
Wow, you are GOOD! 😉
Seriously, what was the kid thinking? Bob Marley?
TWICEEr, ONCE?? I think he wants to go home. ~WPoor Jason Castro….sort of committed AI suicide last night…but I thought it was two Bobs…Marley and Dylan…did Bob Marley do it too? Maybe it’s me that’s been “inhalin'”. I’m thinking that despite his night of terrors, it’s Syesha that’s headed home tonight.
No, no, I’m the one smoking something. Although, my point still stands, I think, since Dylan isn’t much of a step up in the “Rock” department! I think it’s Jason, by a WIDE margin tonight. Texas A&M will be blue. ~W
And then he forgot the words. He’s a good-looking guy, but I’ve never been that impressed with him. I like David Cook; I can only listen to the other David if I don’t look at him. Something about him creeps me out.
It’s funny you mention that, he does kinda creep me out too. I don’t really watch AI as much as listen to it. I look up to watch David Cook and Paula. But I find DA unbearable to watch. 😀 ~W
I’m kind of hoping that the creepy one (I call him Squinty) will win – but only because the AI contract sucks and I really really like David Cook.
Am I the only one who thinks Jason is very talented in a niche-y sort of way? I think he could sell some records as a beach-hippie … Dylan-esque with a tad Jack Johnson and a pinch of Jimmy Buffet.
What do I know? I liked John Stevens the teenage crooner from season 2 or 3… someone once referred to him as “a bloody Q-tip”
Jason certainly has an appeal. I think you’re right, he does have a niche market. Kinda like Brooke before him. As for DC… I’m thinking you’re right on. I hope for his sake, he’s runner up. ~W
Jason is my boy. my wonderful, loverly, dreadlocked, hippie boy. *sigh*
i haven’t seen last nights’ results yet (shhhhh…), but i’ll be seriously sad if he goes home.
Josiah Lemming (the kid who lived in his car) has an album coming out in September. i’m excited 🙂
I’ll be very, very quiet. But, uh. . . ~W
also, i don’t know who this Tony you speak of is, but i don’t like Syesha. haha.
I’m speaking of this Tony.~W
wow! you are good!
Thank you! 😀 ~W
Wow – I agree! JC was the happiest loser I’ve ever seen! He’s adorable, but not AI material. I don’t get the DA popularity either.
DC gets better and better.
I suspect the DA popularity thing has to do with scores of tween girls voting. I’m thinking back, though—and I can honestly say I would have been a DC fan back in the day. ~W
Kimberly C is right, Jason was a plenty happy loser. I find him loveable and I think I might buy a CD from him.
David A gets the tiny teen and grandma vote (just ask my mom). Personally I haven’t liked one thing out of his mouth since he did Imagine. Now that Jason is gone, I’m betting that his votes will go to David C because there is no way those that like him will also like the wee Davey.
I like him, I think he’s darling, if… uh… altered? I loved his “Somewhere Over the Rainbow.” I don’t know if I’d buy a whole album, but I wouldn’t mind that tune on my ipod. ~W
Just to further comment on this subject — do you think Jason and Brooke would sound good together? I like their “casual” style.
ooh, that’s a good observation. I don’t know. Hmm…~W
Candidly, I’m just looking forward to SYTYCD… AI is boring. 😉
Boy that IZ of yours is rockin’. That’s the best show yet and we can’t wait!
Heh, he has his moments. 😀 We adore this show so much! ~W
LOL. I guess I shouldn’t have doubted whether anyone else would know what SYTYCD is… it is such a “texting” world we live in now…
Heh… so it is!! ~W
ohhhhh….okay. haha. yeah, i’m thinking Tony-land too…as she’s a drama queen. 😛
I suspect it’s where her heart is. ~W