Very cool. And, uh, no, my mom never gave me that talk! 😉
Heh… it will be cool when they’re done. I’m relieved really, it’s been 4 months and I was beginning to wonder if we’d ever get it fixed or if the next big storm would just blow it off. ~W
Wait, what happened to the part about a man and woman loving each other very much? That aside…A new roof? Now THAT is good news indeed!!
It is. I have held my breath through every storm since December. So, hopefully, next wind season won’t be so difficult to endure knowing that I have HURRICANE CLAMPS on the roof. I have no idea what they are, but it sounds impressive,right? ~W
Robbie and I took a walk awhile back with one of his buddies. There was a condom on the shoulder of our beautiful road. Robbie’s friend started to comment about it and Robbie firmly told him “We don’t discuss condominiums at our house.”
Raise the roof!
Well, I suppose he could have said you don’t use them. :O ~W
The magical, no-cost crane? I would love to hear that story/fairy tale!!
Yeah, sadly, not no-cost. Insurance will be covering the majority of it. However, they’ve reserved the right to take it out of use incrementally over the next few years… they raised my premium!! To be expected, but STILL. ~W
on 5 April, 2008 at 10:38 pm
Oh my. I never knew roofing deliveries could spawn such a discussion. Great pics by the way!
I’m relieved. Aren’t you relieved? This feels like the end of December. FINALLY. ~W
Very cool. And, uh, no, my mom never gave me that talk! 😉
Heh… it will be cool when they’re done. I’m relieved really, it’s been 4 months and I was beginning to wonder if we’d ever get it fixed or if the next big storm would just blow it off. ~W
Wait, what happened to the part about a man and woman loving each other very much? That aside…A new roof? Now THAT is good news indeed!!
It is. I have held my breath through every storm since December. So, hopefully, next wind season won’t be so difficult to endure knowing that I have HURRICANE CLAMPS on the roof. I have no idea what they are, but it sounds impressive,right? ~W
ah, that’s a bunch of malarkey…
And good to see/hear you people are finally getting down to the optionals on your list… you know: coffee, gardening, ROOFS, and such.
OY! The insurance company was so difficult. But we’re on our way. And I know, what a name for a roofing product. 😀 ~W
Robbie and I took a walk awhile back with one of his buddies. There was a condom on the shoulder of our beautiful road. Robbie’s friend started to comment about it and Robbie firmly told him “We don’t discuss condominiums at our house.”
Raise the roof!
Well, I suppose he could have said you don’t use them. :O ~W
The magical, no-cost crane? I would love to hear that story/fairy tale!!
Yeah, sadly, not no-cost. Insurance will be covering the majority of it. However, they’ve reserved the right to take it out of use incrementally over the next few years… they raised my premium!! To be expected, but STILL. ~W
Oh my. I never knew roofing deliveries could spawn such a discussion. Great pics by the way!
I’m relieved. Aren’t you relieved? This feels like the end of December. FINALLY. ~W
(deadpan) My mother managed to keep a roof over our heads at all times, so that talk was never necessary.
Congrats on the new roof 🙂
Ha ha ha ha. *snort*. I’m excited. It’s not glamorous, but it was needed. ~W