
A little bit of weirdness**: when eating a handful of colorful candy, I adhere to Darwin’s theory of natural selection. I eat the color with the weakest number represented first, leaving the stronger numbers for last. Survival of the fittest.

This is unfortunate when green is the last color left standing.

** Long time readers of this blog know that I do not meme. My reasons for not doing so are legion, but I always feel a little bad about not playing along—especially when someone nice asks me to and I then try to craft a, “It’s not YOU, it’s ME” letter explaining my anti-social behavior.

Recently, I was tagged by the lovely Kalurah to do the meme that just won’t die. Because she’s so nice, and the meme is in the spirit of the Holiday, I’m playing along with AN ITEM. One weird thing about me. Just one does not make it memeing…

Not it doesn’t.