
The list of lies I’ve told my child in the last few days would surely get me in trouble with Santa. But, it was for a good cause… and I have to say, worth the expression on his face when he walked through the door. My photos of the event are all wonky, much like the candles on the cake—someone played with my camera settings and I didn’t catch it until too late! Somehow, I don’t think we’ll need photos to remember this birthday.

Beyond all the turmoil in my life this week (and boy did that NOT help!) it’s been really difficult to watch Boy Wonder mourn. We told him that we would do things as a family on his birthday, but that parties with friends and gifts just couldn’t happen this year. He understood, but it didn’t make it any easier. Listening to him on the phone with his uncle, (thank you for calling, Mark!!) this morning would have broken my heart, except I was laughing so hard. Is it evil to torture your child so? He simply had no clue what was in store for him.

To his credit, he tried really hard not to mope. He didn’t succeed. This morning I found him curled up in front of his Birthday Tree in a quasi-fetal position. “Why so glum, chum?”

“Oh, no reason,” he said with tears in his eyes. And I felt like the worst mother on the planet. And so he sighed the afternoon away.

I won’t forget the look on his face—simple glee. He spent the entire time thanking everyone over and over. I’ve lost count how many times he’s told me, “I just need to say thank you!” He’s over the moon… a bit teary-eyed for all the right reasons. When his grandparents called to sing Happy Birthday to him they asked if the party was worth all the suffering.

“It was worth it, five times over!”

He never saw it coming. And sometimes, that’s a good thing!

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