A little bit of weirdness**: when eating a handful of colorful candy, I adhere to Darwin’s theory of natural selection. I eat the color with the weakest number represented first, leaving the stronger numbers for last. Survival of the fittest.
This is unfortunate when green is the last color left standing.
** Long time readers of this blog know that I do not meme. My reasons for not doing so are legion, but I always feel a little bad about not playing along—especially when someone nice asks me to and I then try to craft a, “It’s not YOU, it’s ME” letter explaining my anti-social behavior.
Recently, I was tagged by the lovely Kalurah to do the meme that just won’t die. Because she’s so nice, and the meme is in the spirit of the Holiday, I’m playing along with AN ITEM. One weird thing about me. Just one does not make it memeing…
Not it doesn’t.
Goofy 😛
And I hate your patron saint picture 😉 Though I, too, aspire to Marthaness.
Oh, nice… see if I support YOU in your Christmas planning madness! 😀 ~W
That’s pretty hilarious, and way to go on compromising 🙂
Yeah, that’s me… via media. *snort* ~W
ohhh! how sweet of you to meet me halfway in the middle.
I hated doing it too. BUT i AM NOTHING IF NOT A “SPORT”.
actually, I eat candy in numerical sequences. what does that say about me? 🙂
Numerical sequence? How so?? Do tell, I’m always looking for a new way to kill skittles. Heh. And we should ask Marie what that says about you, as she’s our resident psychologist! 😀 ~W
Why do we eat all of one color at a time? Is it some form of OCD? (I do it too, don’t we all?)
I told you, NATURAL SELECTION. You people aren’t paying attention in Science class! 😀 Happy Halloween, Kathy!
We have a position open for you on the Olympic Rationalization Team.
I think you have what it takes to go for gold.
Oh!! I want a gold medal. I swear, I’d wear it every day. 😀 ~W
As an RA in college, I had a resident who used to eat M&Ms by the bag-full…all but the blue ones. I asked her once why all the blue ones were in a glass bowl in her room- her favorites? “No”, she responded. “I hate the blue ones. When the bowl gets full, I take them outside and bury them because they’re evil.” Oh. Silly me.
I eat by color as well. Always red first, then orange…and on down the line.
Well, clearly your were an RA at a psych ward! That’s priceless. I feel normal now. 😀 ~W
well, I often switch it up. I will eat them in number patterns, like one of each color in my hand, then grab another handful and eat two of each color in that hand.
I KNOW I’m eating them by color but the number pattern is very important and critical to my method!!!
I know, Marie, this means that I am just anal-retentive. 🙂
Ha! I’m not the only crazy one here. 😀 ~W
giggle…When I eat colored candies…I eat in the color of the rainbow, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple…and then when I get to the dregs, I still eat them in order that way…
So, what you’re saying is that you’re really the Lucky Charms’ Leprechaun in disguise! ~W
It’s official. I am the only normal person who reads this blog.* When I open a bag of M&Ms, I eat them. All of them, in whatever order they tumble out of the bag. Does that make me a mass murderer?
*This is frightening on many levels
Apparently, the rest of us are serial killers. You’re special. 😀 ~W
Eating M&Ms in a color sequence seems to take as much effort as following the “gourmet recipes” they suggest on the back of the Jelly Belly bag. Which is to say: TOO MUCH! 🙂 I’m with Cap…when it comes to the candy, I am an equal opportunity inhaler.
Heh… Stacey, I would have never taken you for an inhaler. How does it feel to be normal? 😀 ~W
OK – you people are *all* starting to make Monk look normal…
Says the man who refolds his laundry and reloads the dishwasher. Ahem.
This is the most sane, least weird thing I’ve discovered about you. Green is especially unfortunate when it comes to jujubes. Nothing worse than a box with nothing but green left. I hate when that happens.
And although it takes forever, I prefer to eat my chicken alphabet soup in order.
Yeah, I can’t think of a green flavored thing I really like! ~W
The comment section has proven to be a case study on OCD tendencies, and my area of psychology is less about pathology and more about “strength” finding… so I’m going to say y’all are very observant and detail oriented 🙂 And in an effort to create an environment that says ‘We’re in this together’, I’m going to add that I hate even numbers in almost every form, and am relieved that it looks like I’ll be the 13th comment 🙂
Heh… you’re so good at that! 😀 ~W
Totally Sppppooooky death photo!!!! Happy Happy Halooowwweeeen!!
Thank you!! 😀 ~W
I have a skittle system too but it involves a complicated color code that communicates state secrets to a member of the Venutian cartel that is currently orbiting our planet in a ion cloaked satellite.
Heh, this is priceless. 😀 ~W
BTW…isn’t it Domito Dorrito?
Heh… *snort*. ~W
I don’t do Skittles, but I eat M and Ms in order of least favorite color to most. I guess we’re all weird. P.S. Your comment section hates me; it always says I post too fast. Huh?
I think this blog is haunted. 😀 ~W
I do the opposite … (only with M & Ms) I try to even the playing field (???) or whatever … so that some point all the colors are equally represented … I can’t rember what I do then … must be withdrawal symptons. I watched my eight year old nephew sort his skittles the other day … and he’s with you.
See, I should have known I was channeling my inner 8 year old! ~W
I’ll eat all of the green ones for you. Happily.
And I love it that someone was able to get you to participate in a meme. You did! You did!
ONE Weird thing is hardly participating. Nu huh. ~W