Ten year old logic is fuzzy, at best. Ten year old BOY logic leaves a mother shaking her head. I mean, what’s up with shoving all the shorts and t-shirts that don’t fit you, along with 15 plastic hangers, into one of three drawers you have for your clothes only to then stash all your good t-shirts and hoodies underneath your bed? Seriously. This child perplexes me.
He, of course, seems to have a reason for everything. Not that any of them make much sense. Witness this encounter.
Me: (assembling the infrastructure of a plastic storage box). . . “Let me get this straight. You took this box apart because the big spools of thread wouldn’t fit in the box if the infrastructure for the compartments remained?”
Boy Wonder: “Right!”
Me: “Did you ever consider using this box for all your small sewing notions and leaving the big spools of thread in the wood organizer I gave you?”
Boy Wonder: “But you have the wood organizer! You took it, remember?”
Me: “Right, I took it after you emptied and left it on your floor… I mean, did you ever consider using it BEFORE you disassembled your plastic storage box?”
Boy Wonder: “But I wanted it all to fit in one box.”
Me: (exasperated, because what’s up with the all or nothing logic?) “Pffft! You and your father! Black and white thinkers, I tell you.”
Boy Wonder: “I don’t really think in Black and White, you know. I’m more of a Sepia Thinker.”
And this is the REAL reason we call him Boy Wonder: he leaves his mother wondering where he gets this stuff.
truly a funny exchange!
He keeps me hopping! ~W
Heh – I would have said I see the world in “grayscale”… I much prefer the idea of sepia… 😉
Grayscale? OMG… 😀 ~W
Sepia is nice–is it like rose-colored glasses? I need a set of those!
Probably a lot like rose-colored glasses! 😀 ~W
I find myself singing … “Mama Don’t Take My KodaChrome Away”.
Gotta love our kids … how far ahead do they think up this stuff? Because you know it is a conspiracy to throw us of our parenting ‘game’.
Anyway, Kudos to Boy Wonder.
Probably, although I get the distinct impression he’s just really quick on his feet. His comic timing leaves me gasping for air, I’m laughing so hard. Makes it hard to parent sometimes. 😀 ~W
That’s classic. I love love love that dry wit. It’s a Capricorn thing, you know 😉
He’s quick on his toes, that’s for sure! Oh, and I fixed your url for you. 😀 ~W
What a wonderful way of looking at the world. I had some sepia tone pictures of my wedding, and everyone looked so much better in them…oh, I wonder if my camera does that? I know the one on my phone does….
Our computer actually does it for us. We use iphoto and it has tons of options. ~W
ha! too funny 🙂
I know, what a joker, eh? ~W
That is hilarious, sepia, hahaha! I am not sure why you are wondering where he gets this stuff, you are witty and funny, he gets it from you!
He’s a funny kid. But, I’m not taking credit, nuh huh. 😀 ~W
BW is a cute little cuttlefish, indeed.
Thank you. He has those moments where he has me on the floor in tears… laughing. 😀 ~W
That is simply a priceless answer.
It cracked me up…~W
Boy Wonder reminds me of my oldest boy. he has a different logic, though. a logic, he himself, doesn’t even understand.
he goes back and forth on simple matters. changing his mind at the drop of a hat.
he drives me crazy at times. to the point where I begin to think maybe I am??!!???
maybe I should think up a more loving term of endearment for him, other than, “Scitso Boy”!
Hmm… your eldest needs an endearment better than that! We’ll work on it! 😀 ~W
We can use all the sepia thinking we can get. Encourage that! And he IS very very funny! The clothing storage issue will only get worse for the foreseeable future.
Great! Terrific news. Joy joy joy… 😀 ~W
What a kid! But, I think girls are wierd too. Mine are some of the strangest, but they’re cute, so I’ll keep ’em! 🙂
He’s a charmer… 😀 ~W