All of a sudden I can’t remember if I’ve ever seen a picture of your dog. Maybe because I’m up too early and the coffee hasn’t kicked in yet? The nose looks very terrier-ish. More, please.
I have a story percolating about Sophie. In the meantime,there are more photos of Sophie in the “it’s a dog’s life” category. She is a terrier: Welsh. In my humble opinion, a very good terrier breed. 😀 ~W
Is your lens wet now? Keep the pooch pictures coming! I’m dying for a dog of my own, but a cramped one-bedroom apartment just isn’t a fair home for one.
Oh, I’m right there with you. We waited until we had space and a life that would let us have a dog w/o cooping it up all day! There are more photos of Sophie in the “it’s a dog’s life” category. ~W
All of a sudden I can’t remember if I’ve ever seen a picture of your dog. Maybe because I’m up too early and the coffee hasn’t kicked in yet? The nose looks very terrier-ish. More, please.
I have a story percolating about Sophie. In the meantime, there are more photos of Sophie in the “it’s a dog’s life” category. She is a terrier: Welsh. In my humble opinion, a very good terrier breed. 😀 ~W
C.U.T.E. !
I can’t help myself. 😀 ~W
Just makes you want to smoosh your face into her face! What a cute nose. 🙂
It does! And she’s no fan of it, either! ~W
Is your lens wet now? Keep the pooch pictures coming! I’m dying for a dog of my own, but a cramped one-bedroom apartment just isn’t a fair home for one.
Oh, I’m right there with you. We waited until we had space and a life that would let us have a dog w/o cooping it up all day! There are more photos of Sophie in the “it’s a dog’s life” category. ~W
I love that face too! Who wouldn’t!??? 🙂
I agree! However, our neighbor is none-too-impressed. 😀 ~W
That’s so cute! And your dog’s named Sophie?? Ours too! But ours is black (short coat retriever mutt). Great photo! ~A 🙂
We didn’t name her, she came with that name. She spends so much time sleeping, we all call her Sofa! 😀 ~W
That is a very cute face–and the dog is adorable too. I think you’ve posted photos of the whole thing.
We love her, but we’re kinda partial. Sophie and I take long walks dreaming about living out in the country and fox hunting. Heh. ~W
It is nice. I’ll bet it looks good on the front porch with all that tanginess! 🙂
She fits right in on the porch. 😀 ~W
sweet sweet sweet
She is, too! ~W
I can’t read “smitten” without thinking “stricken and afflicted.”
How much is that doggy in the window?
I know, love is violent! 😀 ~W
A kiss on the nose from moi!