Red Wonder 1.jpg

Sometimes, when you’re starting a new venture you need a little helping hand. You know, someone who will post about your work and tell the whole world how great your new store, or project, or piece of art really is! Someone to tell the masses about the worthiness of your venture. Self promotion can be difficult for anyone starting out but especially tricky if you’re 10 and your mom won’t let you go door-to-door selling your wares!

Of course, it helps if your mom has a blog and an online store of her own—surely she’d help a 10 year old out, right? Yes, indeed, nepotism reigns supreme in these parts. What kind of mother would I be if it didnt?

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So, without further ado: I present Boy Wonder Bazaar. This is the only pair in his wee store at the moment, but there will be more in the future. This is art, I’ve been told; clearly you don’t want to rush it!

I can vouch for these little lovelies—as I was a recipient of not just one pair, but two for Mother’s day. Each unique and completely handcrafted by the boy. I’m not sure what impresses me more: that he does this stuff on his own, or his attention to detail. Either way, you can imagine I was blown over. Now you can be too!

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Who said nepotism was a bad thing?