
It’s been a fierce morning. Occasionally, our mild mannered but overly talkative 10 year old will explode with theatrics that rival Mt. Vesuvius. There was some misunderstanding that led to the classification of treasure as trash… and trash gets discarded. Oh my.

Poor IZ. It’s moments like this when I’m thankful to be raising a boy—otherwise, most of this drama would be aimed at me, and I’m by no means the most patient of Boy Wonder’s parents. He can throw a lot at his dad without a nuclear meltdown being imminent.

But the drama led to a nice conversation. He’s 10 and I thought he’d reached the age where snuggling had to be on his terms. Turns out, I was misinformed.

Me: Well, this was a nice snuggle. How come you don’t snuggle anymore?

Boy Wonder: Because I’m not invited!

Me: Oh. I thought you had reached the age where we only snuggled if you wanted to, but what you’re telling me is that you’ve reached the age where we snuggle only if I invite you.

Boy Wonder: Right!

Me: Good to know.


Oh, I know they never outgrow the need to be loved on. But, it’s a tough line to walk knowing when and where and how without damaging those delicate boundaries being established we like to call autonomy. I had parents who didn’t understand the need to respect those boundaries and I struggle to this day because of it. I suspect this makes me more sensitive to the situation. I mean, don’t we all over-react to our own parenting at times? Surely, I’m not the only one out there playing the, “I’ll never do THAT” game!

Anyhow, we had a lovely little chat between the sniffles and hiccups. After we solved how to rescue his treasure we went on to plan our next big vacation. By the time IZ joined us for a family mocha break we were well into the giggling over the realization that Boy Wonder would be a teenager when we went to France. The thought of girls Ooh la la-ing his 13 year old self sent us into to fits of laughter. When I relayed a bit of our conversation, I was quickly corrected.

Boy Wonder: I did not say that! She makes things up.

IZ: Your mother is prone to do that. As are you!

Boy Wonder: No, she changes how things were said, I just leave things out.

I’m glad we got that straightened out.

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Now, said treasure is in the very disgusting trash outside waiting for me to go through it. Yes, just call me Ms. Peace Keeper. I hear the UN is looking for good fierce help!