Boy Wonder (storming through the door after walking Sophie): “MOM! This darn dog!”
Me: “What’s up?”
Boy Wonder: “WELL! She’s just refusant! She’s belligerously refusing to go through the door!”
IZ (looking at me): Good job there, English Teacher.
Joke’s on him, though—because I also teach creative writing. I have two words for you, Snarky Boy: HARRY POTTER. *snap snap*. (also two words.)
This from the babe who invented Plasma Connectivity. You are *so* the English teacher and much, much more. That’s OK though – I like belligerously refusant. I can think of several applications for that phrase…
I think I’m partially inclined not to correct because I miss all his made-up words from babyhood that have “misappeared”. S i g h. This is going too, too fast. ~W
Let’s just wait and see how he does on the SAT, shall we? He has the beginnings of a great vocabulary.
My mother was an English teacher and I had her for 10th grade grammar at the fancy private all girls school I attended by virtue of being the teacher’s kid (Gilda Radnor was my “Big Sister” at this school and the headmistress would go on to murder her diet doctor lover, but I digress…)- it killed my creativity until I started blogging, at which point I no longer cared if I used run on sentences or drowned in a sea of ellipsisisisis…
Like I said, I give “creative writing” a whole new meaning. Your poor mother would have shuddered at my grammar, I’m sure (as does my English mentor… oh, poor, poor Fan.) But if I can’t abuse comma rules and swim in that lovely sea of ellipsis on my blog, then there is no point in writing it.
As for you… I’m sure I’m not the first to suggest that you certainly have the talent and the stories to write a book. Because, you do! And while you are far too young to be putting out any memoirs I think a collection of short stories based on your life would be amazing.
And GILDA RADNOR? OMG… ok, this just puts me over the top. I will now have to confess Envy on Sunday. Thanks for that! 😀 ~W
Besides, when in doubt I can go to this certain blog where the writer tells me how to comma. You’re up too late…go to bed.
I’m up too late? Heh… it’s 4 in the morning where you are! 😀 ~W
Every moment is a moment to treasure and I just know that I won’t remember them as I should. It is one reason why I appreciate your blog (and his) – to have something put in writing – even if isn’t a traditional form. It is going by so quickly – and soon – he’ll be out from under our wings. Chokes me up a bit thinking about it…
Yeah, well… before you get too sentimental we should probably remember that this is the same kid who is refusing to move out until he’s 30, if ever. We might want to consider buying something small in Florida, just so we have someplace to GO when he refuses to fledge. 😀 ~W
His utility of the English language is very superiority. I imagination you should be distinguishified for the job well done. :)tee hee
Sadly, his utility of the English language is incessant. 😀 ~W
I’m with IZ, belligerously refusant is fantastically descriptous. I think I’m going to steal that one. 🙂
Steal away. I’m sure more will be manufactured soon. 😀 ~W
I thought at first he was speaking French–refusant(refusing). HA HA Maybe you should teach him francais!
I probably should! 😀 ~W
yay knowing what an adverb is! yay!
Oui! Exactement! ~W