
Have you ever had one of those moments, when you just knew deep in your soul that some person (or some thing) was meant for you? A moment where you look into the eyes of the “other” and know completely that this other is part of you? Like when a friend confesses over several bottles of wine their deep affection for Neil Sedaka and you think, “OH. MAN! Me too!!” Or when you discover the guy you are dating can quote all the lines from your favorite movie and you realize, “He’s the one!” Or when you are shopping in a store you really can’t afford to be shopping in and the pair of shoes you are there to visit are miraculously on sale and then the sales person says, “There’s one pair left in a size 8. What size do you take?” and you jump up and down squealing, “I’m a size 8, I’m a size 8!” and then he gives you his store discount on top of it because obviously these shoes were meant for you. You know, those moments?

With Snickers, our cat, it was when we first met her and found out her name. We name all our cats after food and so when we were told she was named after the most perfect of candy bars, we all knew, “She’s ours!” Well, that, and she took after the huge Maine Coon who was vying for our attention. Sassy, is our cat!

I had another one of those moments today as I watched our dog, Sophie. Lately, she has to be induced out of her “den”, she loves it so much. But this morning I found her following the sun in the dining room. She migrated around the room with the transit of that bright shiny orb in the sky. And as I snapped this photo of my little sun worshiper I couldn’t help but think, “I knew you belonged to this family. You practice our religion, dog. And that’s saying something.”

A dog after my own heart. Who could ask for anything more?