What’s a mother to do? I’ve been so tired this Season, that I’ve had little energy to bake. Normally with Boy Wonder’s birthday party coming early in the month I bake a birthday cake of his choice but his choice is always coconut. As he only had a sleepover this year and his buddy is hypoglycemic we opted for no-sugar snacks instead of cake. However, in my blurry condition I didn’t even see it coming. I was completely ill-prepared for the inevitable query.
Boy Wonder: “So, for my cake I would like coconut, ok?”
Me: “Yeah, see… as it’s so close to Christmas and we are baking pies and cookies tomorrow—I kinda thought we could skip the old baking of the cake deal this year.”
Boy Wonder: “Well, could you make me a cupcake instead?”
Me: “If you bake one, you must bake a dozen. Too much cake. How about a birthday sundae? We have ice cream!”
Boy Wonder: “If you put it with cake!”
And so it went. At one point I think I might have even suggested a “Birthday Donut”. I finally agreed that since I had to run to the grocery store anyhow I would look about and see what I could come up with—no promises.
Imagine my glee when Safeway had a petite coconut cake! It is a season of miracles after all! I snatched that puppy up and sashayed back home with my equally petite pink box. So what if it’s not homemade. Right? I mean, some cake is better than no cake…and I just couldn’t face the kitchen today. If that had been the last of my blunders, you wouldn’t really have cause to smirk, “Bad, Mommy” at me. Please remember as you read further… I’m REALLY tired!
When I left the store, I thought we had a package of swirly candles at home. Evidently, what we had was an assortment of numbered candles that miraculously added up to 10. Boy Wonder didn’t bat an eyelash. He took one look at his cake and said in a creaky voice, “I’m 244 years old but I’m still here to eat my cake!” He then slumped over and pretended to walk with a cane to the table.
And with that… we ate birthday cake.
LOL – I missed the part about being 244. That’s funny! He had a good birthday. A quiet birthday. But a memorable birthday! He got to pull rank. He picked out his favorite dinner. He had fun with his present. I think 10 is a good year!
Yeah, making me pick up dog poop was a highlight of his day. He’s so 10! 😀 ~W
Happy Birthday to Boy Wonder-of-Astoria, whom I recently had the good fortune to meet at MO3’s party. Sorry I didn’t get to meet you to. My daughter is smitten with your Boy Wonder, by the way.
Thank you! I’ll make sure he gets the greetings. 😀 I’m sorry we didn’t meet—thanks for the comment. ~W
Okay, I’m snorting coke outta my nose again! You are just too funny!! That is definately a cake he will always remember. You guys will be talking about the year he turned 244 for the next 50 years or so. Happy, Happy Birthday dear Boy Wonder!
Yeah, what can I say? I’m gifted! :D Fortunately our kid is used to my mix-ups and, in his own words, “Goes with the flow!” Heh. ~W
My kids are the same way. I usually warn parents to be wary of tradition starting because some day for whatever reason you may not be able/willing to carry on and then wham a long followed tradition rears up and bites you in the butt.
BTW…when I saw the first picture I immediately figured out that it was a math problem…and I thought you did it on purpose!
I’m just lucky those numbers added up to 10! Because, honestly, at one point all I could find was a 2 and a 4. There are several drawers in my kitchen that will now need to be organized because of the state I left them from my panic. :D As for tradition setting—OH DO WE HEAR YOU. He gets this from me, but he’s way worse! ~W
I love the cake! I am a big fan of coconut also. Alison made shortbread with maple syrup and coconut topping. They were delicious; I ate THREE! Happy Birthday to your young man.
Thanks! I’ll let him know. Alison’s shortbread sounds yummy! ~W
Hey, in the future remember that I have a 3 and a 9 here that I won’t be using anymore…
Oh! I’ll keep that in mind. I will need those numbers before Boy Wonder, tho! 😀 ~W
And I’ll be right behind you…
4 montha. 4 FREAKIN’ months and you never let me forget it! Heh! ~W
Happy Birthday to the BW!
Thanks! I’m kinda in shock— It feels like yesterday when he was Sprite’s age. And for the record… you have cutest girls in my blog world. I CANNOT get over their Christmas pictures! 😀 ~W
Wende- Happy belated birthday to your son! I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned how much it makes me smile to see IZ’s comments show up front and center after you post. He sounds like a could companion, friend, help mate, admirer, father and all of those other things one dares hope for.
Coming by to wish you a most wonderful Christmas! I’m happy we have started “reading each other”, happy you find time to write in the midst of a very busy life and mostly, happy to have you as a new friend in my “neighborhood.” I have a feeling the true meaning of Christmas is in your heart and home so enjoy and we’ll chat in the new year. Peace.
Thank you, Vicki! I’m ever so thankful for the introduction to your lovely blog (Thanks Margaret!) and the opportunity to get to “know” you online. Blessing on your holiday and time with your family. ~W
Vicki – you are too kind. Peace and Blessings to you as well!
Happy 10th to Boy Wonder!!! Yea!!!
I just love the candles, and totally understand the donut deal. I have never thought about the stress on the PARENTS of having to deal with Christmas and a birthday at the same time. Yikes.
Hey, maybe some of that sugar’ll jolt ya awake.
Seriously, I hope you get some good relaxation time in.
It’s 9:35 and all that is left to do before I go to Mass is bathe the dog. I expect to relax tomorrow… Although, if you could see the state of my studio, you’d understand my compulsion to spend my Christmas cleaning it. :D Thanks for your well wishes! ~W