Sunday, we dropped Boy Wonder off for a week of camp. I will update on our adventures soon (we’ve been without internet access all day and I’m pretty sure poor IZ has fared far worse than I). Until then, here is a picture of our little family taken at the camp just before we said goodbye for the week.
Happy Trio
Aug 1, 2006 | Boy Wonder | 4 comments
Charter was down from 10am until around 6pm. For a work-from-home dad, that’s not good. But what to do? Read inspirational quotes and head out for a lovely coffee.
G is looking so grown up these days. His face is taking on a “pre-teen” look and he is indeed mighty…
I think he’s looking more and more like me–with exception to my poorly shaped eyebrows. 🙂
Summer camp–how fun! What does he get to do there? I don’t need broken internet as an excuse to go out to coffee. Of course, I am a Washingtonian, and as you know, we are fanatics about our java.
Margaret–Yeah, it was living in Seattle all those years that established my coffee habit! 🙂 As for the boy, he’s at a Lutheran camp (SHOCK! He was too young to hang with the Methodists this year!) where he will get to spend part of his day swimming. The rest of the time they get to do ropes courses, hike, and do all sorts of typical activities. I’m guessing he’s having a blast since we’ve not hear a peep from him. 🙂