He says he never sleeps. But I have proof to the contrary:


He was up early that day to see the sunrise and then crashed on the couch after the big event. We’ve learned to let sleeping boys lie. 🙂 Instead we bake scones and let them greet the morning blurry.


Despite his bedhead, he’s not so blurry as you might think. IZ snapped this photo–I’m still in my p.j.s sitting in the matching chair out of frame. As IZ turned the camera my direction to capture me being equally blurry, I snarked, “Uh, No. It’s too early for photos–and besides, I don’t exactly want proof that the girls don’t hang evenly!”

Not even missing a beat, Boy Wonder looks at me and says, “Well, you know Mom–if he were a Cave man, he’d find that attractive.”