He says he never sleeps. But I have proof to the contrary:

He was up early that day to see the sunrise and then crashed on the couch after the big event. We’ve learned to let sleeping boys lie. 🙂 Instead we bake scones and let them greet the morning blurry.

Despite his bedhead, he’s not so blurry as you might think. IZ snapped this photo–I’m still in my p.j.s sitting in the matching chair out of frame. As IZ turned the camera my direction to capture me being equally blurry, I snarked, “Uh, No. It’s too early for photos–and besides, I don’t exactly want proof that the girls don’t hang evenly!”
Not even missing a beat, Boy Wonder looks at me and says, “Well, you know Mom–if he were a Cave man, he’d find that attractive.”
What a life to live… life is *so* hard…
At present, my girls aren’t even the same cup size. One’s a notorious overproducer, as we say.
That sleeping position is what Gramps used to call “Catchin’ flies.”
Funny! I don’t know about that–I will have to inspect. I know that like everything else, the girls are heading south for vacation the older I get!! Only a blind caveman would find that attractive.
i’m not surprised he says he never sleeps. i am slightly worried he knows who the girls are, though, and associates their attributes with cavemen. wha?
Heh… he’s a boy who is tall enough to “bump” into them when he hugs me these days–so, he’s had to learn how to avoid that. Lots of lectures on how to hug without killing his mother has made it clear just who the “girls” are. Heh. And he’s nine–he’s noticing ALL sorts of things these days. Heaven help us!
However, there is a distinct possibility he had NO clue what I was talking about and was really referring to my completely mussed up self. 🙂
As for the caveman reference… he’s Nine. NINE.
Still waking up for the sunrise huh? What is the fascination, the fact that it happens everyday? Maybe he needs to witness this phenonmenon in order to make sure it really happens….
As far as the “girls” go, he is a boy – it is in his nature. Plus he is an integral part of the conversation, as is my boy, and they do pick up on everything. Make to big deal of it, we treat them like equals, they think as equals.
All I know is my 93 y.o. grandmother flashed me once to show me what I have to look forward to. In my mind, I am grateful that they are not attached to my armpits and resting on my belly button :-0
No, the boy is a poet. He gets up to watch it because, “it’s so beautiful, mom.” Who can argue with that?