We keep telling him to use his powers for good. Tonight he did just that. On our way home we passed the Friday night protest on 8th and Commercial–and the voice from the backseat exclaims: “I’m going to make a ‘No War’ sign when I get home–can I put it on the lawn?”
“Sure, why not?” I say, slyly looking over at his father who was driving to gauge his reaction. In our family, we come in three flavors: Vanilla, Strawberry, and Super Chunk-Chocolate-Toffee Swirl-Marshmallow Creme Delight. That is to say: IZ likes his lawn clear of all statements (although he’s up for the Peace Pole!), I don’t mind tasteful lawn art or political statements, and Boy Wonder is all about the lawn gnomes. And whirligigs. And painted rocks. Basically, where the lawn is concerned, this kid channels his inner 80 year old.
“Yeah, the lawn is fine,” IZ replies.
“But you know, rain is coming tomorrow, it just might do you and your sign in,” I caution.
“Not if we stay ahead of the rain, Mom. Not if we stay ahead of the rain.”
Once home, he disappeared into his chill zone only to reappear 15 minutes later with his work. “I’ve been thinking, I’d really like to take this down and protest with the other people.”
“Um, yeah. Is that ok? Will you drive me?”
“Sure. . .”
So off we went.
His sign says: War Kills! Killing is the opposite of Freedom. Save the world from Devastation. I swear, I had NOTHING to do with this sign, or its use except for taping the stick on the back. The irony that he’s wearing last year’s trendy camo shirt from The Gap does not escape me. No, I was just the driver and the occasional sign holder when his arm got too tired to hold up his message to his corner of the world.
As we stood on the corner taking turns waving and holding his sign, we talked about the different things people were trying to convey. We talked about the meaning of democracy and how amazing it is that we live in a town where both sides of the issue are within spitting distance to protest each week, but no one actually spits! I asked questions and I listened–he told me his vision for the future. He smiled at people as they passed–he jumped for joy when they honked. We stood there, huddled against the growing cold of a storm approaching and I thought, “Well, this is one way to stay ahead of the rain.”
Finally, it was time to go. As the major protesters began to leave, he looked at one man, smiled and said, “Well, see you next week!”
The rain is on its way now and I’m glad for it.
It doesn’t surprise me that he’s a protester. I mean, seriously, have you listened to him lately? I’m just amazed that he came upon this himself with no programming or coaching.
It’s funny – I remember discovering politics around 7 when I was encouraging my parents to vote for Carter. I think that was in large part due to my teachers encouraging me to encourage my parents…
In a way, they were right. That particular President was way ahead of his time on so many fronts. Bush is just lucky he’s in his second term… otherwise he would be trounced. I think Dukakas could beat him at this point…
i remember being the only one in my girlscouts troop to defend dukakas. well, there was this other girl, but she like him just becasue her mom thought he was handsome.
kid has a lovely balance of strong opinion and compassion. good.
(War Monger Speak on/)
Oh no! The Liberal Media has gotten to him!
And those damn teachers!
(War Monger Speak off/)
I just hope he is libertarian-anti-war and not Commie-Pinko-anti-war 🙂
Whoa! How cool is it that he came up with that himself? I’ve never protested myself but much admiration goes to the short unit in your home. 😉
IZ: I wouldn’t say programming–he’s certainly a product of his environment. However, I take your point, we’ve certainly not pushed our agenda! Last night seemed like sacred space: I didn’t realize we were entering it, but there we were. And, for all the work to model the creation of such a world, when the kid does it on his own–you have to follow through. Lately, I feel like I stand on a threshold–watching him flit between worlds. If he takes some of us with him, I’m ok with that.
HG: Still a good candidate for son-in-law. 🙂 *snort*
Tryan: There’s room at our table for everyone. We promise not to throw mash potatoes… As for his politics? He’s nine. 😀 As for his teachers: well, since his dad and I do that job: we plead guilty. And we’d do it again!
Kat: Yeah, he’s his own man. He is compassionate. I hope he can stay that way. Lately, he’s been very concerned with how we FEEL. Which is a huge shift for my very logical child who wants to know what I THINK. The conversations have been interesting.
Grins: Oh, I’d be lying to say I wasn’t proud of him, standing there with him. Something tells me my Friday afternoons are now booked. 🙂
Well, my point about Dukakas is that he was damn scary. That he could trounce Bush right now… what a sad state of affairs.
Anyway – the beauty of our system is that diversity of thought is what makes us strong albeit a bit schizophrenic…
your feelings? is he turning into his own cpe program? it’s probably good that you got him out of here when you did. he seems to actually care what other people are feeling as opposed to the constant spiritual direction by and to everybody here. then again war protests here consist of camping on the lawn for a week. oh, i miss reality.
BW for President indeed! He’s not just got a mind, he uses it and his conscience. YAY for him!
Wende, do you think we could get him to picket thebachelor?
oh, and by the way, what the hell is wrong with lawn ornaments? i personally believe that every lawn needs at least one flamingo and a witches ball or so. the gnome stuck in the bushes goes without question, preferably with the name sphen.
Way to go, young man! May you always have the courage of your convictions and clarity unsullied by the fog of deceit. And may you grow to appreciate the wonder of having good parents.
The fact that at his age he is years wiser than those people on the OTHER corner in town also does not escape me.
If I am proud enough of him to choke up, I can only imagine how you must feel!
AWESOME! BW rocks!
Margaret: I’d be content if he just did his homework. 🙂
Grins: I suspect the Bach is a LOST cause.
Kathryn: SEEK HELP IMMEDIATELY. Girl, gnomes…sheesh!
greenink: Thank you. 😀
Carrie: I am proud of him.
Ms. Janet: Thank you. 😀
I love the wisdom of the purest hearts in this world. Unadulturated thoughts, from deep within their sweet souls. Boy wonder-ful!!!
So Wen, can we call you a hippy chick now?
Next time you prostest, let us know. Mr. D has been bugging me for some time, and I always seem to find something else that needs to be done. We don’t have to stand together. Just be together in spirit, ya know.
Treehugger: Oh, you are welcome to come with us any time and stand right by us! We’d love the company. I think BW wants to go this week–although, candidly, I don’t know when we will get his poster made. 🙂 Maybe we should all make posters on Friday?
As for calling me Hippy Chick… ha ha ha ha ha. Sure. Just don’t let me leave the house wearing socks with sandals. Even this wanna be hippy has her limits. 🙂