While listening to Offering Chant by Lama Gyurme off the Planet Chant Cd, Boy Wonder asked, “Mom, does this ever play at church?”
“No,” I replied. This intern would be run out of town for suggesting it!
“Well, maybe it should. You know, during the worship time–we could not say anything and just pray to God.”
(Don’t mind me while I do a little happy dance because my kid gets it–sadly, more than most my parishoners!)
you mocked it while here, but this is the downfall of leaving marin. you’d be able to do that here. just sayin’.
Heh… I didn’t mock it THAT much, I just wanted the UMC in San Rafael to ADMIT they were really Unitarian. (and I never mocked Prayer, sheesh!) Seriously, I admit I’m a dweeb–I don’t know why it’s so difficult for a church who advertises in the yellow pages that they are an interfaith denomination to claim their reality. Wait, it’s Marin. There is no reality.
I tried to have a listen, but it was taking forever to load. Is it really New Agey? My parents would hate it if it is. (they’re Episcopalians, if that matters!)
Episcopalians are good people too. 🙂 Some of the most interesting things in Spirituality are being done in the Episcopal church…
Margaret: It’s very out there…some of the music is the Eastern Orthodox Church and such–but other pieces are definitely Eastern and Native American Spiritualities. One of my favorites is African–it’s a real mix. I love it. I use parts of it for quiet meditation. Works for me. 🙂 It’s funny, because BW snatched the CD today to burn it onto his computer. So, the nine year old likes it too–My parents, however, would be right there with yours. 🙂
LOL – have your peace flags out front, have some incence burning on the porch, have your Mary over the door, have your Buddha in the corner, and have that music playing when they walk through the front door…
Oh! Where is that Mary? We need to hang it over the door. BW and I are going to work on the finishing the peace flags this weekend. 😀 We didn’t get to it this week because the weather was too nice to be inside.
And you know that store I love in Cannon Beach that had that carving of women in prayer? Yeah, well, turns out (D’oh!) there is related store (owned by same person) in Astoria– they even sell those expensive candles (votivo!) I covet. And really yummy incense. 🙂
Oh, and I tried to look at Noel’s paintings, but they were all down due to construction. The gallery owner said to come back in week and they would give us a private showing of his work! She said if we didn’t see what we wanted on the wall–that they would bring out his collection. So–woohoo. 🙂 I’m so torn between that and a Peace Pole for our anniversary.
Well, hopefully with all of the changes more $ will flow in and we can do both without thinking about it. 😉
Lakota Pipe and Ceremonial Songs
I know the first pipe song so well I could sing along by heart. Imagine the only church you could go to was 8 hours away and you wanted to be there so much, but couldn’t go because it WAS 8 hours away. That’s how I felt when I heard the music again.
i looked in my old phone book to try and find that add, but it was not there. it would be in the mail to you already if i had scored it.
iz, i have the tibetan prayer flags out front, the buddah looking over the living room, kali over the kitchen sink (dead babies around her neck and all), another budda in the bedroom and one in the bathroom, and a cros over the couch. oh, and an hamsa hand (or hand of fatima) in the doorway. no mary or incense as of yet. i’m just tryin’ to keep up with the jones here, although my buddah count is totally winning.
Um… how many times do I have to tell you, my name’s not Jones? 😀
i figured blog anonymity was more important than actually remembering your name. so, apparently at least one more time.
you know, there are actually joneses in my family at some point back there. there are also holisters, and it’s very odd seeing my family name plastered on a bunch of teenie-boppers asses.