IZ: You watching anything?
Me: No� go ahead.
Boy Wonder: Can we watch Stargate SG1?

Me: (looking at IZ) I blame you.

Boy Wonder: I have two favorite characters.
Me: Uh huh.
Boy Wonder: Carter�because she�s really smart and can invent anything. And, that�s my style� you know?
Me: Uh huh.
Boy Wonder: And� the leader, what�s his name? Not the General.
Me: McNeil?
Boy Wonder: I thought his name was O�Neal? Are you trying to trick me?
Me: You are killing me here.

Boy Wonder: Wait! Are they going to Atlantis? The General is going with them? Holy Cow.
IZ: I don�t know, I haven�t seen this.
Boy Wonder: It�s the one with the telepathic woman?
IZ: Um, no that�s another show.
Boy Wonder: Oh right� that�s Star Trek.
Me: Ok, that�s it. This weekend he is going to sit down and watch the Project Runway marathon.