IZ: You watching anything?
Me: No� go ahead.
Boy Wonder: Can we watch Stargate SG1?
Me: (looking at IZ) I blame you.
Boy Wonder: I have two favorite characters.
Me: Uh huh.
Boy Wonder: Carter�because she�s really smart and can invent anything. And, that�s my style� you know?
Me: Uh huh.
Boy Wonder: And� the leader, what�s his name? Not the General.
Me: McNeil?
Boy Wonder: I thought his name was O�Neal? Are you trying to trick me?
Me: You are killing me here.
Boy Wonder: Wait! Are they going to Atlantis? The General is going with them? Holy Cow.
IZ: I don�t know, I haven�t seen this.
Boy Wonder: It�s the one with the telepathic woman?
IZ: Um, no that�s another show.
Boy Wonder: Oh right� that�s Star Trek.
Me: Ok, that�s it. This weekend he is going to sit down and watch the Project Runway marathon.
Genius does indeed show up early doesnt it. Its good to see your taking notes while he watches, I believe you will glean much about what it means to be a genius. If you cant be one, at least you can have one of your own. Your in the presence of greatness, whats better than that?