One of my favorite sites to visit these days is In Passing…And, in omage to this glorious site, I have decided to share few conversations I’ve had recently with my small child. Who, by the way, is 5 (and a HALF!) going on 14! It’s a difficult thing to be the mother of a “DUDE”!
“Shut-up and Kiss Me!”
Boy Wonder: “Mom?”
Me: “Yeah?”
Boy Wonder: “Is ‘Shut-up and kiss me’ a good thing to say?”
Me: (nearly spewing coffee) “Uh… NO! Where did you hear that anyway?”
Boy Wonder: “Oh, on Disney!”
Me: (dialing the cable company to cancel our service) “Well, despite that, it’s not a nice thing to say!”
Boy Wonder: (thinking…) “Well, can I say it when I’m an adult?”
Me: sigh… “No… ok… now can I drink my coffee and wake up first?”
You need further proof: witness this!
“Dude Food”
Boy Wonder: “Uh, mom?
Me: “Yeah?”
Boy Wonder: “Do Dudes eat Peatnut Butter and Jelly sandwiches?”
Me: “uh… yeah! Of course!”
Boy Wonder: “ALL dudes, or just some of them?”
Me: “If their mother’s pack pb&j, then yes, I suppose some of them do!”
Boy Wonder: “Are you SURE they don’t eat Dude Food?”
Me: “What exactly would you mean by ‘Dude Food’?”
Boy Wonder: “I don’t know…”
Me: “Can you give me an example?”
Boy Wonder:” No, but when we are at the store next time I will look and if I see ‘Dude Food’ then I will point it out and say, ‘Look! There’s DUDE FOOD’… is that a deal?”
Me: “Sounds like a plan.”
“Dude Hair”
In the backseat of the car…
Boy Wonder: “Mom, do you think I have ‘Dude Hair’?”
Me: “Uh… Yeah!”
Boy Wonder: “I don’t know, I’m not sure it has enough spikes!”
**his hair was spiked all over his head covered in BLUE holding gel. And he wanted to know if he looked like a “DUDE”… sheesh! For the record… he took a bath later on that night and the blue ran all down his face giving him a fair resemblence to Mel Gibson in “BraveHeart”… Now, THERE, was a DUDE!