So, the Seminary where I’m enslaved ahem, I attend prints up a pictorial directory each year called Many Faces. (Don’t go there…) After 4 years of the same photo I thought I would submit a new one–even though I’m only going to be a student for another 4 months. I sent along this photo:
Imagine the surprise when my photo choice was declined and I was asked to “please submit another photo with less character and more appropriate accessories.” WTF? Less Character? We’re future clergy, not future corpses. Ok, well, we will be corpses eventually, but you take my point! And accessories? I have a wedding ring on and earrings you can barely see. It’s not like my tongue is pierced! Yet.
I fought the temptation to send them a photo of me flipping them off. But as they’ve shown NO sense of humor with the previous suggested photo, that strategy seemed doomed from the onset. And since I’m still in need of my diploma–best not to piss them off too much. So, naturally, in good judgment I nixed the idea.Of course, nothing prevents me from posting the photo here since good judgment is completely unheard of on this blog: (click to enlarge)
No, the photo isn’t blurry. You’ve been drinking. Again.
Heh, I can only imagine *what* their response would be if you in fact sent it in… lol. I wonder how far up the food chain it would go and who would be calling you…
Those Presbyterians have NO sense of humor.
Did IZ tell you I called? 😀
Hi Heather… He emailed me… But I kinda figured you didn’t want me to call at midnight my time. 🙂
If you think the Presbyterians don’t have a sense of humor, you should meet the Southern Baptists!
At any rate, I am utilizing the latter photo as my Theme Photo Du Jour. Seemed appropriate. I may just have to take one myself.
Any photo with coffee in it is a friend to me! I can’t stand people with no sense of humor. Our older girl’s first boyfriend told her that he only liked serious people. Obviously, he didn’t feel very comfortable around me. He was so intense that I’m glad she’s rid of him. The current friend came to stay and makes all sorts of sarcastic remarks. We had a hoot playing putt putt golf. He understands me way better.
I love both of those pics! I don’t know about the accessories…that is weird. Perhaps such a big cup of coffee is a mite sinful? Caffeine is a DRUG, yanno.
Nice to know some other Christians have a sense of humor. Thanks for representin’.
So, I was trying to figure out what hand gesture you’re flashing. I’ve been drinking, and it is cropped a bit, but I think I found the answer.
I’m shocked.
Um… Tom, foolishly I clicked on that link! You really need to stop drinking… And, don’t you have a house to paint or something? EWWWW… (on a different note I noticed my crippled hands… sheesh arthritis at this age! So, NICE GOING THERE, making fun of handicapped people.)
Margaret: I’m right there with you! And sheesh… Only serious people? He must be really disappointed with our current Administration–but I digress. 😉
Michelle: Oh whew! However, part of the Christian group has been trying to boot me out of the club (and my ilk) for some time now. They would be aghast–I’m glad you aren’t. 😀
Comments left by my gangsta hand-signal-savvy hubby are the sole property and responsibility of the hubby and not his wife, who is clueless about all things ‘hood.
Also, I have always felt that if we were truly made in God’s image, then who do you think gave us a sense of humor? All you have to do is look at Paris Hilton and know God has a huge sense of humor.
um…got to say that i kind of went where tom did. i once saw some mittens with that configuration on them. wheee.
i am so not surprised that they sent that back. gone are the days when in college i posed with my houseplant and listed as living in the apartment “kathryn and louise.”
you know, people have posed with their dogs. what the hell is wrong with a cup of coffee and a tongue? bastards.
Kat… that made me snort. Hee…