Jan 10, 2008 | This Life, Thrifty Goodness

What did you thrift today?
Can you believe it’s Thursday already? We’re 10 days into the new year, how are all of you doing on your New Year Resolutions?
In these parts, we skipped the traditional naming of resolutions. Like a lot of holiday traditions this year, it went by the wayside. I’m sure we’ll pick it up again next year, but this year, we were just relieved to see the calendar numbers flip, content to let 2007’s resolutions ride.
Last year’s resolutions included getting skinnier. Both in how much we consume and physically. (We also banned house-guests for the whole year. Oh, that was controversial. I lost a few friends who saw their free Bed and Breakfast close down. Personally, I’d like to be closed for business indefinitely!) I’m in no mood to chat about the weight loss stuff… as terms like BMI and the diabetes get me in a whole passel of trouble. Besides, you just have to know I have a REAL rant coming down the pike on that eventually. And without naming names, I’m won’t be pulling any punches either. Which might be the only New Year’s resolution I made, if you count the aftermath of December’s Debacle— no more mealy mouthed Wende. Some truths need to be said—malevolent lurkers be damned.
But that’s another day. Further afield, perspective in hand. Today, I can speak clearly about our reducing on the consumption side, specifically packaging. That’s been fun! Retail produces so much packaging, it’s shameful. There is only so much you can recycle—so a thrifting I have gone. Less retail, less in the landfill. It’s included so much Thrifting that somehow I started a small, not for profit (evidently, Oh!!Oh!!Oh!!), business that keeps me more distracted than I like. And again, another post.
The upside of all my thrifting is that it benefits my family in small ways. We are a family of three. Odd numbers are the Kabbalah of thrift stores; it’s why a lot of things get donated. Sets are missing members, fours become threes and in the process useless to bigger families. Their toss is my gain. I snatch up sets of three constantly—napkins, napkin rings, plates, cups. . . Holy Trinities of reusable goods.
We’ve used fabric napkins for ages. Down with paper, I say. I do have a stash of paper napkins—take-out refugees that I keep on hand for when masses of small children lay siege and demand sticky treats. But for family dinners, we use cloth. And to keep germs at bay, we keep our napkins marked with napkin rings. I picked up this little set of hand-carved wood rings for just 25 cents. A fish. A whale. A pig. We’ll argue about who has to be the pig later. When we’re done, we just tuck our napkins back into their markers and leave them in the yellow bowl. No fuss, no muss.
In the long term, it’s not a big deal, a small effort really. But as Mother Teresa once said, “We can do no great thing, but only small things with great love.”
Nov 10, 2007 | Best of Etsy, Thrifty Goodness

November’s light is pale and fleeting. So, when the sun unexpectedly came out today, I snatched up my camera and ran to the only room with real light to try to photograph as much Thrifty Goodness merchandise as the limited light would allow. My bedroom now looks like a Thrift Store exploded in it! But, it was the only room with decent light and I’m not exactly in a place to be arguing. There is vintage on every surface and our bed is littered with items I’ve been listing. I wonder if IZ will notice the new “look”. What? Exploding Thrift Store isn’t the new Mid-Century Modern?
But now, I’m pooped! I don’t really want to put it all away–especially since I’m probably only a third of the way through listing the items I photographed today. I worked in a frenzy. Who knows how many of the 148 photographs I took will actually be used, but there is rain in the forecast and I have no idea when I’ll get another day of even limited sun again.
In addition to running an ad in the Poppytalk Handmade online street fair, I’ve been busy uploading merchandise into the etsy version of Thrifty Goodness. After serious debate with myself—most of which I did aloud while hanging out in thrift stores, much to the amusement of the other customers I’m sure—I’ve decided to make etsy my primary store front. I get more exposure and my vintage items are selling quickly there. (My handmade items are another story, and I think the writing might be on the wall with that. Evidently, I’m a better consumer than artist!) The shopping cart is easier to use and I can load more photographs–hence all my scrambling today.
However, I’m not abandoning the other site. In January, Thrifty Goodness. com will be getting a face lift! I intend to use the blogging feature to highlight new arrivals at the etsy store. Posts like this one, will also appear there—as Evidently has taken on a more narrative flavor and I’m finding it difficult to write about thrifting without feeling like I’m writing ad copy.
It will also have a SALE! category … or as we affectionately have been referring to it, “Where good vintage goes to die.” Oh. My. I’m not sure how, just yet, but I’m working on finding a way to offer a “rummage sale”… you know, the old “fill a bag for 5 bucks” model. I haven’t figured out the details, but it’s a thought!
As well, the original site will still feature the newer finds that etsy won’t allow me to list. This was the real reason behind not going with etsy in the first place. Not everything I find is vintage! So, there will still be treasure to be had on the original TG site, but it will be limited and newer in scope—the bulk of the store is moving to where it can get more exposure.
And exposure is a good thing. Except when it’s not. Which means, I should probably clean up this mess I’ve created in our bedroom—since I don’t think I could “sleep” with Santa watching. *grin*
Oct 6, 2007 | Thrifty Goodness

But I’m attempting not to be gloomy! It’s a very rainy Saturday and I’m busy putting together the final touches on a Thrifty Goodness update. There is so much new stuff to see, but I’m really excited about the handcrafted items in the store. Go see!!
When I’m done, which will be as soon as I publish this little blurb, I’m going to put on my brightest coat and brave this gray day to do a little chocolate shopping for Miss Kimberly. I’m fairly convinced that chocolate is the antidote for gloom!
What are you doing on your gray Saturday? (If you write in and tell me it’s sunny where you are, I might cry! So lie to me, dear readers! M’kay?)
Jul 21, 2007 | Thrifty Goodness
No time for real words today. I’m busy pricing scads of items on SALE over at Thrifty Goodness. Happy Saturday!
Jun 12, 2007 | Thrifty Goodness
I wasn’t kidding when I said I was knee deep in china. But, I probably should qualify that statement a bit, as what I’m knee deep in are actually dishes. Mid Century dinnerware to be specific.
Lately, I’ve been noticing a disturbing trend with our everyday china,which is actually pottery and I adore it! It’s chipping. Badly. To the point that several pieces have just broken in our hands for no apparent reason. I picked up the set for a song three years ago. It’s not quality by any stretch of the imagination—but I liked the fact each piece was just a little different from the next making the dishes seem handmade, nicer than they truly are. They may have deceived the eye then (I caught lots of friends tipping over my plates to catch a glimpse of the maker.) but with all the chipping, their lack of quality is starting to be obvious. Not to mention they are a real risk. Last thing I need is to serve a cup of something hot to a friend and have the cup come apart.
However, I’m in no position to be buying high quality replacements. Something about discretionary income going into a new bathroom floor. Even if I could, I can’t make a decision. (remember the house paint? Have you forgotten already??) I’m afraid of making a terribly expensive mistake—I want to love what I pick and know that it will be timeless. Something I won’t be bored with in a few years’ time, something that can stand my urge to repaint our space every few years. Something that can withstand my fickleness.
May 11, 2007 | Thrifty Goodness
This weekend is shaping up to be absolutely perfect for the opening of the Sunday Farmer’s Market. I can barely contain my enthusiasm, because I mistakenly forgot to stock up on the BEST HONEY in Astoria before the Market closed last fall and I’ve been using second grade honey all winter. Crammed in a couple of blocks downtown, the market is not to be missed: full of home made treats like the Blue Schortcher’s bread and the aforementioned honey. Flowers and toy makers and plant sales, OH MY! I usually end up with so much stuff in my hands that it is a miracle I don’t drop my camera! Because, you know, I’m out there taking photos of everything.
But, not this year! I’m prepared this year to shop in style. No more juggling packages. No more wishing for bags with handles, as the market vendors tend to prefer plain brown paper bags. Instead, I’ve crafted a handy little shopper that is sure to solve all my woes. This wee bag is actually quite roomy and ever so stylish. No more balancing pears on my head! Who said being environmentally friendly could be so fashion forward?
In honor of the Market opening, a small collection of unique Market Shoppers are on SPECIAL for this weekend only. Now you won’t have to be balancing pears on your head, either!